Defense With the BoomStick

Hey there listeners. How's life in the zombie world treating you? Well I can tell you it is treating me like shit. Well, not too bad since I do have my own little slice of life here, where I can sleep soundly without a worry of a zombie gnawing on my leg or worry about some animal coming along and doing the same (because they're hungry too). On another lighter note a few survivors stumbled upon my place and I let them in to my secure zone (so as to inspect them to make sure there were no bites or signs of infection) and let them stay in there a few days just to make sure. As of now it is me and two other people here in what I call home. Now I know you people out there might be wondering "I thought you said you wouldn't let anybody into your compound because you looking out for number one?" That is still true, but it gets damn boring doing all the work and having nobody to talk to but a pet turtle, so sue me for changing my mind. Actually, I let them in because they've been listening to my broadcast and are fans of the show so hey, who can turn down people who worship you and thank you for saving their life. They're good people though and have been helping out a lot. One was actually a mechanic so he has been a life saver helping me keep my generator and other stuff going. Well let's get to it as they are cooking me dinner. Sorry folks didn't mean to rub that in to all of you out there surviving on a lot apologies. Sometimes you've got to celebrate a victory even if it is a little one. Today I am gonna talk about what to do if you have decided to make your place of survival on or near a body of water, such as a lake or bay. If at all possible have scuba gear readily available, as before you decide to settle you have to make sure that the water below you is clear and zombie free. Weapons that work are spear guns, hooks, nets, simple harpoons and also a bang stick, which is a shotgun for underwater that shoots one shell at a time. Be sure to go down as a team (never alone) and if possible scout out the water from the safety of your boat. Always have a crew on the boat and down below so if help is needed those up top can call in help or spear the zombie and reel it away from you when visibility permits. Whether in the water or out on the land moving about, watch the local wildlife as they can detect when zombies are around before you even see them. If pushed to the need to go under the water to hunt, a good method is for one person in the group to have a spear gun with a rope tied to it and the rope going to the crew up top, so as you shoot the zombie it is dragged up and killed by the crew up top and then dragged into the boat so as to clean the water and help get it back to regular so eventually fish can be eaten out of there again. If multiple zombies appear then the best method is to harpoon and bang stick them in the heads so as to eliminate the threat and clean up can be done later. That is the tip for today. If you do decide to go the water method make sure to be safe in it as we need to keep all of us who are alive stay alive. Good luck and stay safe, everybody who is out there keep listening and keep killing zombies when you can. This is Brandon signing off until next week...
