Wolverine Feral Sense iPhone App

With every passing day the phrase "there's an app for that" gains more and more credibility. Seriously, I think at this point there's an app for teleporation.* Very few apps however bridge the gap between iPhone and video games. Until now that is. *There may not be an app for teleportation. The newly "unleashed" Feral Sense app is a pretty nifty tie-in to the X-Men Origins: Wolverine video game (which is generally being better received than the movie of the same name). Using the app, a player can unlock exclusive content by finding and photographing (using the iPhone camera) various icons scattered throughout the game’s marketing campaign. Just line the camera up and take the picture, and if the app recognizes it then it will unlock exclusive images and video. The icons are all available on the Activision website so if you wanted to cheat well, no one is stopping you. But part of the thrill is the hunt! And it is very clever to encourage such interaction on your part because it gets you off the bench and in the game for real. This is actually pretty cool and it may encourage some gamers to go through the game again and see what other surprises might be in there. In the grander scheme of things, I think it shows that you can have really cool interactivity across devices and media that make customers feel like they're part of the comic book world they're so devoted to.
