Defense with the Boompick

Back again to a normal week after the past two had Christmas and New Year's Day. With this return to normalcy also brings back to us new comic book day and a fresh new batch of them to go with it. Last week saw pretty much everybody taking a week off from delivering new comics, making this week the one to step it up and show off what’s in store for 2010. Marvel of course doesn't disappoint with a slew of new issues coming at you. My pick? Siege #1. With the events of M, Civil War and the Secret Invasion in the past and Osborn running the United States he decides that what he has accomplished isn’t enough. He takes his level of villainy and control to a new level and wants to conquer a land fit for the gods; yup he is going to take on Asgard in hopes of controlling it. A tough choice lays ahead for every superhero on whether they can all work together again after so much has happened or if dissension will cause everything to come crashing down. The story sets up a showdown between the superheroes and supervillains with Asgard as the ultimate prize to the victor. This series looks to remake the Marvel Universe yet again and this time it might not be the heroes who come out on top.
