Dynamite Presents Vampirella #1

It wasn't so long ago that Dynamite Entertaiment secured the rights to Vampirella. The property had been relatively dormant the past few years as far as anything ongoing really, so fans' hearts were aflutter with the possibility of new Vampirella stories. Well Vampirella fans, check your heartrate because I have a feeling it's about to increase just a bit more.

In Vampirella #1, writer Eric Trautmann and illustrator Wagner Reis take Vampirella on the trail of Vlad Dracula, who happens to be her nemesis. It'd be easy (and probably boring) if that was the worst of her problems, as it seems that there is something more sinister than even Vlad lurking.

Above is the J. Scott Campbell and after the jump you check out two alternate covers by Alex Ross and one by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic as well as two interiors by Reis. The book hits stores in November.
