Rorshach test?
The Watchmen is one of those projects that has toiled in production purgatory for years now, mainly due to Alan Moore's reluctance to have his works adapted to the big screen (even the stellar adaptation of V for Vendetta had him a tad perturbed). News on casting is scant, yet still remains on the mind of every fan of Moore's work.
Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) has been considered for a role in The Watchmen as none other than Rorschach. A recent interview with Daniel Robert Epstein (Suicide Girls) shed some light on a casting rumour regarding one of the more polarizing characters in The Watchmen.
DRE: "But you didn’t turn down Rorschach flat. "
Pegg: "No, I was never offered it. I think when it was in the hands of Paul Greengrass I had a better chance at maybe getting a casting because I know Paul and would have put my case across. But now that it is with [300 director] Zack Snyder, he’s going to have his own choices, but I think he’d be a fun guy to work with."
Definitely not a confirmation or denial of anything really, but its interesting that Pegg's name has been coming up in discussions. Rorshach is a character that has to be cast right, otherwise the entire movie will not work at all, and Pegg has the right amount of wit to pull off the role. It will be interesting to see if this story goes anywhere, as I'd be quite excited to see Pegg play Rorschach in the big screen adaptation.
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