This is my boom stick!

It looks like that the Marvel Zombies were no match for Ash J. Williams, as he's moving on to fight other undead baddies. Debuting in August 2007, Army of Darkness: From the Ashes #1 pits everyone's favorite character named after cigarette residue against Evil Ash and, well, an army of darkness. Arthur Suydam reprises his excellent role as cover artist for everything zombie related, and the series will be written by James Kuhoric (definitely an authority when it comes to writing Army of Darkness), pencilled by Fernando Blanco and colored by Ivan Nunes. If you're a fan of the Army of Darkness series (and there's really no reason why you shouldn't be), definitely check this out when it drops in 2 months or so. At the very least, you can see how to deal with the undead with only a boom stick. Army of Darkness: From the Ashes #1
