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Save the game, save the world
So, if you haven't heard by now, the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) is this weekend. And in leading up to the big event, I plan on bringing daily previews of the events on tap for the big show. Read on to find what you'll be seeing, or will be missing, if you're lame and can't go.
With the hit that Heroes was last season, its really a wonder we haven't seen more merchandise from the franchise. Action figures, comics, posters. Its been quiet on the marketing front (at least that I've seen). So I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that there's a game in the works.
According to Variety, NBC and Ubisoft are near an agreement for Ubisoft to make the Heroes game. Its expected that an announcement will be made at, you guessed it, SDCC.
Also of interest is the impending arrangement between Ubisoft and Fox to create a game version of James Cameron surprise hit Avatar. The game and movie are due out around the same time in May 2009, which makes you wonder if it will suffer the "game adapted from movie" disease, because most of those games don't work out so well.
Ubisoft likes the comics
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