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The Dark Knight storms Chicago (again)
While not quite as epic or grandiose as Comic Con, Wizard World is a healthy amount of comics to feast on. This past weekend, Chicago played host to the Wizard family, and over the course of the day, I'll be posting some highlights from the show. So keep checking in to see what you missed.
Attendees at Wizard World in Chicago were treated to something exceptional over the weekend. The Chicago-Tribune reports about 1,200 comic book fans sporting sweaters that read "The Dark Knight, July 2008" were shown the first footage of Heath Ledger in Joker guise. There are some slight spoilers, so if you like your movies surprising, skip to the last paragraph.
"In one opening shot, Batman stands like a gargoyle atop a sweeping cityscape (Chicago, doubling for Gotham City). But the true star was Ledger as the Joker, in smeared white makeup and greasy hair, fighting Batman in a bright, tiled room. In other shots, the Clown Prince of Crime sits menacingly in a prison cell, glaring like Hannibal Lector. Later on, someone takes an ax to the Bat Signal and a fire engine burns on a Chicago street. The footage ends with a first glimpse of Eckhart as Two-Face -- or at least the scarred back of his neck."
Also on hand for a panel were actors Christian Bale, Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart, sitting alongside screenwriters David Goyer and Jonathan Nolan, and director Christopher Nolan. Just about every answer they gave was met with raucous applause, only making the movie's release even more epic. I cannot stress how excited I am for this freaking movie.
The Dark Knight footage
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