JLA movie update
Word on the Justice League of America movie has been rumors to this point, such as Christian Bale reprising his role as Batman, and Brandon Routh reprising his role as Superman. But in actuality, neither could be the case.
According to Moviehole, Bale has yet to be approached about playing the part of Batman in the superhero team-up. Neither has Routh for that matter. They'll still be playing their parts in the standalone movies (as if they'd ruin that), so you'll still get your Bale/Routh tights fix.
In other interesting news, the new JLA movie might not even be live action...it might be motion capture (similar to the upcoming Beowulf or Avatar). A little email is floating around saying that director George Miller (Babe, Happy Feet) has some ideas as to who he wants to cast in the roles of the superheroes, and that the casting will begin next week. Such a quick turnaround time for casting roles and beginning productions can only mean one thing: invasion (sorry, Star Wars). What it means is he can pick who he wants for their motions, and add in faces later.
Stay tuned for more news at it becomes available.
Bale and Routh not in JLA movie
Motion capturing JLA movie?
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