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Ryan Reynolds is my superhero
At the rate he's going, he'll be your superhero too.
Everyone knows that Reynolds is the frontrunner to play the part of Wally West (Flash) in either a standalone Flash movie, or the impending Justice League movie in the works (production is slated to begin in 2008). But in an interview with IESB, Reynolds also indicated that he'd really like to play another superhero: Deadpool.
Rumors of Reynolds involvement with Deadpool were rampant prior to his getting jacked up for Blade: Trinity, and it seems he wants that role really, really bad. New Line Cinema tried to make a Deadpool movie, but the rights are stuck with 20th Century Fox, and word is that there has been some movement as of late on the Deadpool front.
One thing is for sure, and that's Reynolds as either Flash or Deadpool would kick ass.
Reyonlds video interview with IESB
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