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Boston Comic Convention 2007
If Baltimore can have a lesser known comic convention, why can't Boston? Details have just been released regarding the Boston Comic Convention for 2007.
The show will take place Sunday, October 21, from 10 AM - 5 PM at the Back Bay Events Center. Admission is $8, and the special guest is Jim Steranko. Best known for his work on the Silver Age Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., Steranko is a Comic Book Hall of Fame Inductee (2006) and one of Wizard Magazine's Top Five Most Influential Comic Book Artists of All Time.
So yeah, its only one day. And yeah, the Back Bay Events Center isn't really much as far as venues go. But if you're in the Boston area, and have nothing better to do on that Sunday (the Patriots are at Miami that day, and the MLB playoffs will be well underway, so the Sox may be playing), drop $8 and check it out.
Boston Comic Convention 20007
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