Thor: Rebirth

It seems that with the relaunching of the Thor series, a lot of people were caught off guard. No way would a few issues about the rebirth of Thor would sell out its first printing. Yeah, that caught some people in a lurch huh. Because issues 1-3 completely sold out of their first printings, Marvel has decided to re-release them in a handy compilation in Thor 1-3: Rebirth. The work showcases the writing talents of JMS and artistic talents of Olivier Copiel, and has been a "godsend" for fans of Thor, as he continues his quest to restore his homelands to his people. "This new series is providing a fresh, accessible and entertaining take on the character which doesn't require prior knowledge of his history to enjoy"—David Wallace, SilverBulletComicBooks.Com. Thor 1-3: Rebirth will hit stores November 7 for $4.99, while Thor #4 will hit stores October 31 for $2.99. Thor 1-3: Rebirth
