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IESB talks to Heath Ledger about you know who
So this Heath Ledger character is getting a lot of press. You might have read somewhere that he's playing the Joker in The Dark Knight. That little sequel coming out next summer about Batman? Well, in case you've been removed from society, and like to know a little more about the Clown Prince of Crime, then IESB is the place for you.
IESB has an interview with Ledger, and I think the interview is best summed up by this quote from the interviewer, Silas Lesnick.
"If I had any doubt about Ledger as Joker, it vanished as soon as I saw him in person. His hair was grown out for the role and his eyes darted around the room, never quite making contact with mine. At his side was a clothespin that he handled the entire interview, pinching his fingers as he spoke. It wasn't hard to believe that at any moment he would leap to his feet and kill everybody in the room."
Ledger talks to IESB
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