Penny Arcade chronicles the firing of Jeff Gertsmann

I'm a big fan of video games. I try and limit my coverage of them in those instances where they relate to comics, and thankfully I found a link for this story. Penny Arcade is running a webcomic about the firing of Jeff Gertsmann. Who is Jeff Gertsmann you ask? He is the executive editor over at Gamestop, and he didn't have the most glowing review for the new Kane and Lynch game, which is fair...freedom of speech and all that. So what happens next? He got fired because of his less than stellar review. Why? Eidos, the producer of Kane and Lynch, has a huge advertising contract with CNET. I only bring this up because it just pisses me off when the corporation cries because their baby isn't well received, and pull strings to get it a better review. I had some respect for Eidos, but this kind of knocked them down a peg in my book. Anyways, below are the links to the Shacknews article reporting the firing, as well as the Penny Comic chronicling the firing. The one good thing that has come from Kane and Lynch. I haven't played it, so I can't speak to whether it really is deserving of the low rating, but I don't see how the editor of Gamestop can not know what he's talking about. But Playboy has been running a contest to find a Kane and Lynch girl, and sweet Lord these chicks are hot. Above is Jayden B, one of the 12 finalists, and hopefully she can cheer you up Jeff. Penny Arcade Webcomic Shacknews Article
