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The Perhapanauts going to Image Comics
Newsarama is not the San Francisco treat. Rather its a forum for all things comic. And one of the most recent posts on said forum is an interview with creators of The Perhapanauts, Todd Dezago and Craig Rousseau. For the uninformed (like me), The Perhapanauts describes the tales of an eclectic superhero team: Arisa (psychic), Big (bigfoot), Choopie (chupacabra), Hammerskold (soldier/psychotelemetrist), MG (dimensional hopper), Nix (amnesiac young boy), Joann Defile (psychic advisor) and Molly (ghost).
The idea was picked up in 2002 by Dark Horse for a few mini-series, but after that was kind of abandoned, leaving room for Image to step in and make things happen for The Perhapanauts in 2008. Starting February 2008, readers will be treated to an annual, and then hopefully a series. Dezago swears that new readers can hop on board the Perhapanauts train with the annual:
"Well, like I said, The Perhapanauts Annual is an excellent jumping on point for any reader! The team is scrambled when a string of brutal murders closely resembles the work of the legendary Jersey Devil! It's an adventure where the abilities of all of the Perhapanauts --and then some!--are needed, but the story focuses mostly on MG and secrets about this enigmatic team member are revealed! Secrets that might put the entire team in jeopardy...
Our first story arc is called "Triangle" and deals, for the most part, with the ‘Haps recent foray into the Bermuda Triangle, where they found, within the heart of that storm, the confluence of all time and space. Unfortunately, this conduit is allegedly under the protection of the harbingers of destruction, the Mothmen, and they seek retribution from the ‘Haps for their contamination of the time stream!
Also in this series; we learn more about team leader Arisa’s psychic past, more on her growing relationship with MG, Hammerskold's secret crush...and Choopie is crowned king of the Gremlins!"
Anyone that uses the word "confluence" in a description of a comic is A-OK in my book. Check it out in February, as I'm sure it will be tons of adventure.
The Perhapanauts improve their Image
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