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Batman Begins in the Batcave
I've seen some elaborate home theater setups. Not content with just having a TV and some chairs, many individuals will go to great lengths to make their home theater setup as nice as nice can be. But this one This has got to be the awesomest when it comes to home theater setups.
Slashfilms has some pics of a home theater setup created by DC Audio Video Systems out of New Hampshire. On the techie side, it has a 110" 16:9 Stewart Electriscreen, Triad Silver THX speakers, and a Sony G90 (a $36,000 1080p 2500x2000 CRT projector). On the design side, there's eight black, leather, motorized recliners, a LiteTouch LC5000 lighting control system, and prop bats hanging from the ceiling. Awesome.
Batcave Home Theater
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