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Speed Racer production stills
USA Today has eight stills from the upcoming film adaptation of Speed Racer, and man do they look gorgeous. They're brimming with color and vibrance, and look like very little we've seen in a movie before. And producer Joel Silver is just as in awe of the effects and color as you are:
"The effects are beyond belief. We called it 'car fu,' because it was like kung fu with the cars," Silver says. "We couldn't have made this movie until right now.
"It obviously has a present-day aesthetic to it," Silver says. "But it's still a great yarn about family and not selling out. That's an important message to the (Wachowskis) and why we all connected to the show."
The trailer for the movie debuts tonight with Entertainment Tonight, but if you're not a fan of that show, be sure to check out my site tomorrow, as I'll have a link to the trailer here.
Speed Racer production stills
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