The Hero Initiative

As popular as comics have become, sometimes its easy to forget where they were. Way back in the day, they're weren't really viewed as a viable medium and were even attacked as being vile influences on youths at the time. Since then, Stan Lee has come along, comics have made successful movies, and everyone loves Spider-man. Saying that, its important to remember your roots. The Hero Initiative is a program designed to help out the pioneers of the industry. Some of them may have fallen on hard times since their glory days, so its important to help them out when necessary. The Hero Initiative does so through donations of current popular comics memorabilia to raise money to give to the originals. How can you help? Donating money is always a good thing. You could also donate materials if you're a comic artist and have something that could help out. Donating time is also extremely useful, as you could volunteer or even help run some of the day to day functions of the organization. So check it out and do what you can. Have to help out the originators when possible. The Hero Initiative
