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MegaCon Orlando
Not to be confused with NBE-1 (aka Megatron), MegaCon will be coming to Orlando the weekend of March 7-9. Three day passes are $52.19, while one day will set you back $22.37 in advance (in case you're wondering, the numbers seem a little odd because they include tax). At the door, you're looking at $55 for all three days and $24 for one day.
Highlights include a DS tournament, a Lady Death exclusive, Nathan Petrelli (Adrian Pasdar) from Heroes, Kristy Swanson and Vic Mignogna. Comics related folk include Joe Quesada, Andy Kubert, Mark Texeira and Steve McNiven.
So if you're in the Orlando area that weekend, and you happen to like comics, then stop by the convention. Definitely a decent way to pass the time.
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