Jorge Lucas to serve as guest artist on The Darkness

The Darkness is a comic that has had praised heaped upon it, and is actually pretty decent. And now the artwork is going to get even edgier thanks to the addition of Jorge Lucas, more famously known for his art in Ripclaw (from last year's Pilot Season). He will debut in The Darkness #7 in August. “I’m looking forward to working on The Darkness because he is my favorite Top Cow character,” said Lucas, who remembers reading The Darkness issues in Spanish in Argentina, where he still makes his home. “I like the horror genre a lot, and the darker the character, the better. Jackie Estacado is a soul tortured by his demons, a cursed being, and I love this about him.” And Lucas isn't the only happy one, as writer Phil Hester expressed his excitement as well. “Jorge’s art has a dark edge to it that depicts some of the seamier sides of Jackie’s life perfectly,” commented Phil Hester, who writes The Darkness. “It’s a nice thematic shift too, because we’re taking a break from Jackie at the height of his strength as depicted by Michael Broussard’s lush, powerful work and contrasting it with Jackie at a low ebb as depicted by Jorge’s dark, graphic style. It’s a blessing to have both guys at the book’s disposal.” Jorge Lucas guest artist on The Darkness
