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Rest in Peace Michael Turner
I was primed and ready to start giving you recaps of Wizard World Chicago despite having not attended it (those will show up throughout the week) until I learned of the passing of one of comic's young greats. Michael Turner lost a battle with cancer on Saturday at the extremely young age of 37.
Turner was discovered by Marc Silvestri in 1998 and co-created Witchblade before setting off to create his own studio in Aspen MLT, creating series such as Fathom and Soulfire. And just about every major comic book that was released featured an inevitable Turner variant, variants that will be sorely missed.
Omnicomic sends its condolences to the Turner family. You can send condolensces to:
Aspent MLT, Inc.
C/O Michael Turner
5855 Green Valley Circle Suite 111
Culver City, CA 90230
Online donations can be made to The American Cancer Society or The Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Aspen Comics
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