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Gotham City Dossiers: Top Shelf Productions
Welcome to Gotham City Dossiers where I try and showcase a lesser known comics publisher. This isn't to say that these publishers need my help bringing attention to themselves, but I'd like to think that readers can get stuff here that they may not be able to get elsewhere. So enjoy, and be sure to check in every Thursday for Gotham City Dossiers.
Not to be confused with that other comic book publisher at the top, Top Shelf Productions was started in 1997 by Chris Staros and Brett Warnock in Marietta, GA. A little over ten years old, the publisher has a very impressive resume of artists and writers. Like who you ask? Well let me just list off a few. How does Ed Brubaker and Alan Moore sound to you as creative talent at the publisher? Pretty awesome if you ask me.
So beyond the creators, what should you check out from Top Shelf? One of the most popular works is Owly, created by Andy Runton. Owly is a nice but lonely owl on the search to find new friends, and while it may seem very kiddy in nature, the work has been compared to Jeff Smith's Bone in terms of its widespread appeal. There's also a work by Tim Sievert called That Salty Air about Hugh, a fisherman with a special relationship to the sea, a relationship based on respect and reverence. As a result of his feeling betrayed, the work becomes a story about change and learning the price for trifling with the natural progression of things
And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention anything that Moore does for the company. Lost Girls is a pretty mature comic, and by that I mean its really a piece of erotic fiction. Yes kids, Moore has written a story of Alice, Wendy and Dorothy of various fairy tale fames chronicle their stories of sexual awakening. Drawing on the rich heritage of erotica, Lost Girls is the rediscovery of the power of ecstatic writing and art in a sublime union that only the medium of comics can achieve.
So there you have it. A cute owl for the kids, a coming of age story for the teens and a pretty graphic description of the unknown sides of fairy tale heroines. A pretty wide gamut of genres to appeal to just about any reader, young or old. Anything from Top Shelf Publishers is definitely worth buying for stocking your top shelf.
Top Shelf Productions
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