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Live action Ninja Scroll in works
I try and stray away from anime on this site. Nothing against the medium...its just that I don't really consider it to be part of comics. But I can't go without mentioning a recent story from Variety about one of the classic anime films of all times. Ninja Scroll is that film, and it ranks up there with Akira for its general badassness and blood. So it was only a matter of time until someone got around to making a live action version of the film.
According to Variety, Warner Brothers has bought the rights to a live action version of the film. And what's more is that Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way will be producing the film. Not quite the combination I think of when I think of someone adapting the anime to a live action film. But at least DiCaprio has been around the block a few times when it comes to movies, so I have faith that he'll know what he's doing and make an admirable adptation. Stay tuned for more details.
Warner Brothers grabs rights to Ninja Scroll
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