Defense With the BoomStick

Come one, come all to the Brandon show, the primetime most awesomest place to listen to when you're down, partying or just trying to survive. It's Brandon here and let's go over what's been going on with me lately since really I can only put out there what's on my mind and not yours. To begin with those nice two people that found my place and have been surviving with me, met a bit of a problem when they decided to venture outside the walls of my compound. Still don't know why they exited out but guess I will never know since I heard more so then saw what happened to them and am sad to seem them go. That girl sure knew how to cook a mean pork chop, and that fella was real handy helping me around with my machines. I took care of them afterwards and the other zombies that got them (shot 'em all and burned 'em to leave nothing left) and now it is back to me and my thoughts and my books. Well I am not going to beat around the bush this week since I'm a little down about losing my two friends, so I will get right to the tip of the week. You would figure that a huge SUV or a Humvee would rock as the best sort of car to use to get around in, but know it all depends on where you are using them. if you are in a tight small city or community then a dirt bike is the best method to get around since it can get into areas a car cannot and can outrun a zombie or horde. Now if you can get you hands on an armored car (or say dump truck or a garbage truck) these make nice armored mobile homes. With the garbage truck it is a matter of disinfecting and cleaning out the back so you do not guess disease from the old trash, but these mobile homes can plow through road blocks and also can deal out a good amount of damage to zombies in your way with minimal damage to it and use ability. If you are in a large group of survivors when possible you can retrofit the vehicles you are using even more so to the point of making them stronger and more durable in their use and killing of zombies. Just make sure you carry plenty of gas with them, as they become a hunk of useless metal when they run out and you never want to run out of gas in a hostile zone. When procuring gas make sure to stick to outlying gas stations on back roads and avoid major cities at all cost (if a city gas trip is necessary make sure to exhibit the utmost caution). Although it seems like a great idea to go flying around in some car remember they make noise and noise draws in zombies so be careful. Like everything in this world it has it's pros and cons, so it is up to your best judgment whether that car is smart to try and hotwire and use or better to just continue on foot and make the journey that way. Well I'm gonna get off here, still can smell those damn zombies burning and still missing those two good friends (so I am gonna go listen to some tunes and get drunk to forget this horrible day). Till next week stay alive, stay smart, and stay ahead of those damn zombies and kill when you can. Brandon signing off...
