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Iron Man 2 all about identity
I am eagerly awaiting Iron Man 2, a sequel that should be worthy (if not better than) its predecessor. But where can Jon Favreau and the writers take the film? In an interview with MTV Splash Page, screenwriter Justin Theroux about where both characters Iron Man and Tony Stark could go.
“The obvious thing to improve upon — well, it’s not even an improvement it’s just something to embrace — which is that he’s now a hero that lives in the real world. That’s unique,” Theroux said of Stark’s earth-shattering revelation at the end of the first film that he was Iron Man, making him the first-ever cinematic super without a secret identity.
Its a very valid point made, in that this is really the first movie where the superhero has revealed their identity to the public. So the sequel could be quite interesting because typically you see two characters in one between the superhero persona and the actual person (or vice versa depending on which mask you actually think the person is wearing). But with this sequel we should see a blending of the two characters, as Robert Downey, Jr. will pretty much be firing on all cylinders in every aspect of the movie.
Iron Man 2 all about identity
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