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Nine comic book characters to watch in 2009
2008 was a big year for comic books. Scratch that. A great year. Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and The Dark Knight all proved that comic book movies could be mature while at the same time true to the source material. So it stands to reason that 2009 will be even bigger. MSNBC has a list of the top nine comic book characters to keep an eye on in 2009. The list is a lot of characters we all know and love (in no particular order):
Nick Fury
Dr. Strange
Green Lantern
Norman Osborn
Scarlet Witch
Power Girl
Good stuff. Its interesting because all the characters on that list have a movie are have one in the works with the exception of the women. Maybe the studios are nervous to make a movie centered around a female superhero before Wonder Woman comes out? Top Cow is working on the Magdalene film, and there's the Witchblade film due later on down the road. But shouldn't DC or Marvel make a movie focused on a female superhero?
Top nine comic book characters to watch in 2009
there is an animated wonder woman coming out this year that dont count?