Ten Years of Dr. Manhattan

When it comes to marketing, you just know that an epic film such as Watchmen is going to be loaded with a variety of different advertising strategies. Posters, commercials, interviews, etc. But don't think Warner Brothers don't know what viral videos are, as they've currently got the below up looking at ten years of Dr. Manhattan. The newscast is set in 1970 and anchored by none other than Ted Phillips, with Jim Sizemore doing the piece. Take a gander. Dr. Manhattan has made a mark on history when it comes to his character. One of the only "true" superheroes in Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan has just about every power imaginable. And his scene on Mars with Silk Spectre is pretty damn close to being one of the most mind-blowing things I've ever read. Partly attributed to Alan Moore's phenomenal writing, but also because of the character himself. Now that that pesky lawsuit is settled, I can focus on actually getting a ticket for the IMAX showing of this film. Because honestly, its going to be off the chains.
