Kotaku was lucky enough to get some hands on play time with Rocksteady Studios'
Batman: Arkham Asylum at the Game Developers Conference (and the finally learned how to spell "Arkham"). Editor Brian Crescente got a chance to take a look at the challenges mode featured in the game, and he had some positive things to say about it. What did he like?
The free flow of the combat was especially enjoyable, as it seems you really get the feeling of being Batman as he bounds from one thug to another, delivering haymakers and kicks along the way. The dialogue is sharp and doesn't feature the phrase "cool party" at any point, and the full assortment of Bat-weapons will be at your disposal.
There were only two downsides that he could find. The first was diversity in the challenges. In that there really wasn't any diversity. The second is the combat animations. Who know there were only two or three ways a thug could fall to the ground. I can't really fault the studio on the combat animations, but coming up with a diverse array of challenges is something that may cause some repetitiveness. But why am I complaining?
The game is coming along quite swimmingly (it's said to be in the tail end of production) and it's actually the first Batman game I've looked forward to in a while (LEGO Batman doesn't really count). Be sure to get your preorder in for the game's release this June.
And I'll say it again because it's awesomenes bears repeating: Kevin Conroy is Batman and Mark Hamill is The Joker.
Kotaku previews Batman: Arkham Asylum
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