It's no secret that Batman kicks ass (both literally and figuratively). This will be partially the case in the upcoming Batman: Arkham Asylum game, blending stealth with action for what could quite possibly be the best Batman game ever made. To whet your curiosity whistle about the possible awesomeness of the game, Rocksteady Studios has released a video showcasing the silky smooth combat moves of the Caped Crusader. Check it out after the jump. From watching the video, it seems that there's going to be some sort of "bullet time" in the game, where you can most likely hit a button to slow time down to unleash some maddening combo attack. There also appears to be a variety of different attacks, so that bodes well as far as the repetitive aspect of the game goes. We also get sight of what appears to be Croc (so expect the reveal video any minute), as well as a nice nod to the comics. During a fight with Bane, Bane says "I will break you Batman," to which Batman responds "No Bane, this time I break you." That line in the game makes me realize that really this thing has almost limitless potential.