I've been rather vocal about
Heroes. Sure, the show has its moments, but ever since the first season it hasn't really found that magic that made it so awesome. Constantly shifting storylines, too many characters and "on-the-fly" writing has just made the show a big jumbled mess. I'm sticking with it out of need for closure, but viewers have been leaving the show in droves.
NBC has noticed as well, and according to article in Advertising Age has ordered less episodes for the upcoming season. The article says that NBC is looking to order only 18-20 episodes for the next season, as opposed to the 25 or so they've been ordering. You can say this is happening for a number of reasons.
The first is that the networks are realizing that the traditional September to May season doesn't work anymore, so they're holding entire seasons until say January and running them nonstop through May. Since there are only about 20 weeks or so from January to May well, you would need about 20 episodes. This is probably the best way to keep the viewers coming back, as there's no break in continuity. A second is that NBC wants to "encourage" the writers to come with tighter storylines and more logical plots. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it's not good having to go into every episode with about 40 zillion plots to keep track of. Having fewer episodes to plot may make force the writers to leave out some extraneous stuff that may be considered filler for the sake of getting more episode written.
The third reason, and possibly the writing on the wall so to speak, is that NBC isn't going to renew the show past this season. Ratings have dropped dramatically since the first season, and while I hate to admit it but if the show isn't bringing in money NBC won't keep paying for it. Cutting down to fewer episodes doesn't necessarily portend gloom and doom for the show, but if you're a fan you should probably be at least a little bit worried.
Heroes could see end soon
if heroes does end after one more season i am not even sure if i would care to much about it. sure first season was great second and third not so much. this season ender coming next week better be wow or else i dont think many are coming back for the fourth season. they took an awesome idea and ruined it because of money and trying to create an entire superhero universe and condense it down to hour episodes. there's a reason why there are so many different comic books out there cause you just cant combine all the stories in one.