Marvel vs. Capcom 2 returns
You know, there was something about being able to play as the team of Spider-Man and Jill Valentine (of Resident Evil fame) that was quite satisfying. And it was in a fighting game no less! Marvel vs. Capcom 2 pitted fighters from the Marvel and Capcom universes against one another in tag-team fighting action (for those of you that don't know). Some of you may not have been around in the halcyon days of Sega Dreamcast, but playing able Marvel vs. Capcom 2 was just sheer enjoyment. Now, we all get a chance to play.
Marvel and Capcom just announced that the game will be making a long overdue but triumphant return to home consoles this summer. The game will set you back 1200 points on Xbox Live and $14.99 on the PSN (don't fret...they're equal prices). What's even better is that Thursday, April 30, PS3 owners will be able to download a demo featuring the following:
Two-player local matches
Six available characters – Ryu, Chun-Li, Strider, Spider-Man, Iron Man and Wolverine
Seven selectable environments
Upscaled 1080p graphics
Widescreen or 4:3 aspect ratio
Two graphic filter options for character sprites
The game won't be an upgrade like SSFIITHD, but it will have some upscaled graphics. (Honestly though, if you're playing this game for the graphics you're probably not really dying to play this game). Also, a quarter mode is being added that allows up to four people to watch and chat while two others are battling it out.
Check out the video below, and start ratcheting up that excitement level. And if you don't have either console, now is the time to get at least one. And yes, this game will take you for a ride in your Sunday best.
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