I've got to get off this Twitter kick. It really seems like something that would be completely asinine, but then a certain comic book author posts a comment that could possibly send comic book fans into a tizzy.
On Brian Michael Bendis' Twitter feed, the following comment is written:
"Brian Bendis and Joe Quesada working together on something in ASM 600?? yes!!"
What could ASM 600 mean? Probably the 600th issue of Amazing Spider-Man, one that is rapidly approaching.
Now, this issue is kind of a big deal, mainly because it will be the 600th issue of Spider-Man. So it makes sense that Marvel would pull out the big guns for the issue and create some sort of epic conclusion or one-shot aspect to the issue. Joe Kelly is currently writing Spider-Man, and as of now the series is at Amazing Spider-Man #595. So that 600 is right around the corner (I believe ASM is bi-weekly, which put the issue's release date on August 5th.
There are also rumors that Stan Lee may even collaborate on the issue for a story with Joe Quesada, but I don't know that Lee has a Twitter that I can confirm that with. Hopefully this is true, as Bendis brought some gravity to ASM and would be a welcome writer even if for only one issue (no disprespect to Kelly whatsoever though).
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