The movie,
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra won't be in theaters until August 7th. In the meantime, IDW wants you to know they've got you covered.
The publisher is prepping a four-issue weekly comic book will essentially be a comic adaptation of the movie of the same name. Readers can expect to get the excellent writing of IDW's Denton Tipton and artwork of Casey Maloney.
"G.I. JOE was an essential part of my childhood. I saw COBRA agents around every schoolyard corner," said Andy Schmidt, IDW's G.I. JOE editor. "It is an honor to be part of an intensely fun and uniquely relevant group of characters. As a lifelong G.I. JOE fan, to be associated with the wide release of the new G.I. JOE film in particular is a once in a lifetime opportunity."
I'm excited for the film after seeing the trailer, which makes the movie look better than it actually should. And being able to read this in the weeks leading up to the film's release will add some hype to the actual film. The only downside I can think of is if the movie sucks, well, then expect the comic books to suck. But no G.I. Joe fan should miss out on getting this book.
G.I. Joe Movie adaptation coming to comics in July
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