Spring is normally a happy time. A time of renewed life, winter thawing and general increase in happiness. Not if the year is 2061.
Zombie Tales 2061 is part of the anthology by the same name, and is written by Academy Award nominated writer Kim Krizan. It was originally planned to be an eight-page work, placed between stories by veterans such as Steve Niles and Joe R. Lansdale, however the work was so intense that just about every critic lauded Krizan for her work. Usually, such praise merits more, and that's what you're getting here.
"When horror tastemaker RUE MORGUE MAGAZINE begs for a sequel, you know you have a hit on your hands," said Publisher Ross Richie. "I really don't think people have seen as an original take on Zombies since Romero's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. That is how blown away I was by this book."
The original story was expanded into a triptych and Boom! Studios has collected in Zombie Tales 2061. Even Krizan saw the appeal her story had, and gladly expanded its scope.
"It was great fun for me to write '2061' and it's an honor to have it collected," said ZOMBIE TALES writer Kim Krizan. "Though it seemed on the surface to be a light, fun project, it really gets to the heart of what I believe about our species. For me, zombie dominance is now!"
The book will be available this July with 24 pages of art by Jon Reed and a cover by Patrick McEvoy for $3.99.
Full press release below, after some interiors.
May 19th, 2009 - Los Angeles, CA - The living dead walk among us! Zombies have taken over the planet! Humans only exist as novelty attractions… or worse. But today is the day of revolution and soon the tide will turn on undead supremacy! Enter the world of ZOMBIE TALES 2061. From Academy Award-nomintated writer Kim Krizan (BEFORE SUNRISE, BEFORE SUNSET) comes an epic saga ripped from the pages of the critically acclaimed ZOMBIE TALES anthology and collected in one volume for the first time!
Best known for writing the generation defining romance movies BEFORE SUNRISE and BEFORE SUNSET, Krizan jumped into the horror genre with both feet, delivering a unique new vision of the zombie apocalypse for Zombie Tales: The Series #1. Originally planned as just an 8 pager and slotted between stories from more seasoned horror vets Steve Niles and Joe R. Lansdale, critics and fans spotlighted Krizan's freshman horror venture and clamored for a sequel. Krizan immediately expanded her Zombie universe into a triptych, finally collected in one easy reading volume with ZOMBIE TALES 2061.
"When horror tastemaker RUE MORGUE MAGAZINE begs for a sequel, you know you have a hit on your hands," said Publisher Ross Richie. "I really don't think people have seen as an original take on Zombies since Romero's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. That is how blown away I was by this book."
"It was great fun for me to write '2061' and it's an honor to have it collected," said ZOMBIE TALES writer Kim Krizan. "Though it seemed on the surface to be a light, fun project, it really gets to the heart of what I believe about our species. For me, zombie dominance is now!"
Outside garnering an Academy Award nomination for BEFORE SUNSET, Krizan also acted in the cult films SLACKER, DAZED AND CONFUSED and WAKING LIFE. Her turn as high school teacher Ginny Stroud in DAZED AND CONFUSED led her to speak the immortal lines "...this summer when you're being inundated with all this American bicentennial Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes."
When asked about the rumor of a Zombified follow-up to the BEFORE SUNRISE franchise, Krizan had no comment.
ZOMBIE TALES 2061 features 24 pages of interior art by newcomer Jon Reed and a cover by Patrick McEvoy. SRP: $3.99, Diamond Order Code: MAY090726
About BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios (www.boom-studios.com) is a unique publishing house specializing in high-profile projects across a wide variety of different genres from some of the industry's biggest talents, including Philip K. Dick's DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, The Henson Company's FARSCAPE, and the original Mark Waid series IRREDEEMABLE. BOOM! recently launched its youth imprint, BOOM! Kids, with Pixar's THE INCREDIBLES, CARS, and TOY STORY, as well as Disney's THE MUPPETS. This year, BOOM! Studios celebrates its fourth anniversary.
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