I'm still getting on board with the whole "trailer for a comic book thing." I mean, it doesn't seem that intuitive that static images would blend together for a movie trailer, but more and more creators are going that route to get the word out about their books. The latest of such creators are Nick Tapalansky, Alex Eckman-Long and Thomas Mauer of Awakening Volume One fame.
The trailer is chock full of eerie sounds, chilling images and the requisite horror heartbeat set against an almost Silent Hill-ish musical backdrop. Yeah, it's an assault on the senses for sure. If you haven't checked out the series or heard anything about it, well, then this video should get you up to speed. If you like what you see (and why wouldn't you honestly), the book is available for preorder from Amazon with a rumored July 29 ship date.
The book has been printed and has already sold out in its convention debut at Wizard World Philly, but Tapalansky assured Omnicomic that there will be copies made available at San Diego Comic Con. So if you're headed to the con you can pick up the book a few days earlier than your comic friend counterparts. Unless of course they're going with you, which means then its just a race to the Awakening table to see who can actually own it "first."
Check out the trailer below.
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