The King of Pop is dead. I don’t have much else to say today.
I can’t think of a comic book that Michael Jackson was in per se (although, inevitably, it’s out there somewhere).
Still, Jackson inspired music and science-fiction lovers alike for years. I still remember being a kid, going to Epcot Center and seeing Captain EO. It had this George Lucas- magical but lifelike quality to it. It captured the imagination.
You can say what you will about the man, and ultimately, we may never know how much of what is said about him is true or not.
At the very least, I will say this: he had a kind of childlike fascination with the unknown and adventure, that kind of stuff. And it drew us in. And the whole world watched him to see what he’d do next. From zombies to Beat it, there’s always going to be something about his music that people of the last two generations will find nostalgic. You’ll remember who you were, where you were and the way life was when you hear it.
Rest in Piece. That’s all I’ve got.
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