Robert Bloch is familiar to those that are fans of horror. IDW is familiar to those that are fans of horror. Notice a similarity here? If not, I'll spell it out for you.
IDW Publishing has just announced that they've reached a licensing agreement with the estate of Bloch giving them the rights to one hundred of his classic stories for development as comic books and graphic novels. This is kind of a big deal because Bloch was mentored by H.P. Lovecraft and was also the recipient of a Horror Writers of America Life Time Achievement award (the good old HWALTA).
"Bloch is one of the established masters of horror, and we are really looking forward to offering his stories to existing fans and to bringing in new ones," said IDW CEO, Ted Adams. "Having inspired so many leading writers, Bloch's work is pivotal to the horror and science fiction genres and is a must-read for fans."
Per the agreement, IDW will develop Bloch's stories as one-shots, miniseries and other formats, using big name writers and artists to bring the stories over to the comic book format. You can expect to see the first of the works sometime in 2010, and with over one hundred different stories there should be no shortage of Robert Bloch material in the immediate future. If you can't wait until next year however, this September will see the release of Bloch's classic horror novel Lori in a new edition.
IDW to release Robert Bloch stories
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