Dick Grayson is the new Batman. There. I said it. Still doesn't make it any better, but I suppose if there were anyone that could even come close to filling Bruce Wayne's shoes, it would be Dick. After the brief hiatus, Gotham City must adapt to the newly cowled Batman, but how exactly will they react? June 17th we'll know, when
Batman: Streets of Gotham #1 hits stores for your perusal.
In this new ongoing series, Paul Dini and Mark Andreyko team up with Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs, Georges Jeanty and Karl Story create a story about the new Batman roaming the streets of Gotham City. Naturally, heroes, villains and citizens alike will take notice. But will they take positive notice? Dick has some pretty big shoes to fill, so the question also needs to be answered as to whether he'll be as successful at protecting Gotham as Bruce was.
The book is due in stores next Wednesday for $3.99 (it does clock in at 40 pages). Check out some interiors after the jump.
Preview: Batman: Streets of Gotham #1
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