Are there any opponents that Werewolves won't fight in the name of a little moonlight? Sure, the Lycan/Vampire war has been raging for centuries, but what happens when that fight carries over to the moon that orbits our planet?
Werewolves on the Moon: Versus Vampires #1, Dark Horse brings to you the story of three werewolf friends who realize where their power comes from: the moon. Ted, Jeff and Stan have realized this and figured that instead of enjoying one day a month of unbridled, full moon released goodness they could get thirty days a month of that same goodness if they were actually on the moon. It's really a pretty freaking ingenious concept and I'm curious to see how it plays out.
The series is written by Dave Land, Matt and Shawn Fillbach, with the Fillbachs pulling double duty by also pencilling and providing the cover art (Dan Jackson is the colorist). The three werewolf friends really just want to become kings of the moon, but their arrival there is a little more than they expected. See, Moon Patrol captain Maggie Pilgrim probably feels her patrols are threatened when a trio of werewolves show up. And if that's not enough, there's also a hive of vampires living on the dark side of the moon (cue Pink Floyd reference).
If the cover is any indication I think it's safe to say you can expect a healthy dose of humor, action and the occasional impaling with the U.S. flag planted on the lunar surface. Now the book hit stores on June 3, so your local comic book shop should have a copy available for $3.50. If not, you can pick it up from Things From Another World for $3.15 (but you'll most likely have to pay for shipping as well).
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