Evil Dead is one of those cult classic movies. Definitely awesome in it's own right, it has spawned a legion of followers and features the epic Bruce Campbell. At San Diego Comic Con Campbell was on hand to promote Burn Notice, the USA series about an ex-spy. Aftewards, at the media session, Campbell was asked about the possibility of Evil Dead 3.
In the video after the jump, Campbell responds that rather than an Evil Dead 3, the plan is to remake Evil Dead. As soon as Sam Raimi finds time between movies to actually do the movie. Everyone is on board, it's just a matter of when at this point. But other than simply planning to do the remake, Campbell and crew haven't got much further (as far as script or pre-production stuff goes).
And Campbell really is as affable a rapscallion in person as he comes across in film. Really, really great guy.
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