Some people think that with President Obama in power our country is rapidly spiraling into a socialist economy where the world will collapse and judgment day is upon us. I don't think it's nearly that bad, but part of the reason for the gloom and doom (besides the inane Fox News) is Obama's plan to make healthcare available to everyone. Such an ambitious endeavor can always use support, and this is a cause That Brendan McGinley at Indelible/Bankshot Comics is getting behind.
If you're inclined to want to help, McGinley and crew are offering free copies of
Dose anthology in exchange for collecting signatures in support of Obama's plan. Retailers can download the forms
here and
here. Be advised these are PDF links.
Check out the full press release after the jump.
Heroes for Health Care
Bankshot trades free comics for health care reform
Bankshot Comics announced on our website today we'll trade free copies of the DOSE anthology to retailers who collect signatures in support of President Obama's three principles of health care reform.
Retailers may download the forms for signature drop boxes below :
And should mail original, completed signature sheets to:
Brendan McGinley
Organizing for America
c/o Democratic Party of New Mexico
1301 San Pedro NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
For more details, visit www.indeliblecomics.com. Thank you for spreading the word.
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