San Diego Comic Con is full of insanity. Cosplay, fanboys, writers, artists, screaming fans...I think you get the idea. And believe it or not it's also a great reason to throw a party. IESB is continuing their party throwing ways with the Wrath of Con, a madcap misadventure of a party on the roof of the Hard Rock Hotel.
The party will take place Friday (July 24 night) and boasts VIPS, celebrities and other online folk. The thing is that you can't just plan to walk up, say hello and get in. Nope, you've got to win your way in. And that's where IESB comes into play (besides just hosting it).
5 Comic Con attendees will have the chance to win a pair of tickets during the Masters of the Web panel on Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00 in room 32AB at the convention. That's right. Just show up at the panel and pray for luck to be on your side. What can you expect to see at the party?
There will be tons of sponsor goodness from Poynt, Dead of Night, TNA Wrestling, Capcom vs Marvel 2, FEARnet Horror Channel, 20th Century Fox, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Monster, American Original Entertainment, Poor Boy Productions/Poor Dog Entertainment and many more. Not only that, but TNA Wrestling is even bringing down a six sided wrestling ring along with Kurt Angle, Chris Daniels, Suicide and the Motorcity Machine Guns.
The event has epic written all over it, and if you want in be sure to hit that panel on Thursday, July 23.
IESB's Wrath of Con
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