Street Fighter is an almost mythic franchise. Ever since it's first debut decades ago it has continued to carry with it a devoted following. I remember the playing the first
Street Fighter arcade game in this little corner store named Pops and coming away largely unimpressed. But
Street Fighter II completely changed the fighting game. Since then, there have been countless incarnations across all systems, and definitely no shortage of artwork. Fans that want a collection of the art from those games are in luck, as Udon is doing them a solid.
SF20: The Art of Street Fighter is being released by Udon Entertainment, and boy it features some doozies of some art. It successfully manages to capture over 1,500 illustrations from Capcom's top artists from over the past 20 years. You'll get character designs, concept art, rough sketches, game covers, promo artwork, crossover pieces and some never-before-seen artwork.
There's also work from Capcom artists Akiman, Kinu Nishimura, CRMK, Edayan, Dai-Chan, Ikeno, Shinkiro and others give commentary on their favorite pieces and discuss what it’s been like to help forge the Street Fighter legacy.
The artwork comes from just about every Street Fighter game, including:
Street Fighter®
Street Fighter® II
Street Fighter® III
Street Fighter® IV
Street Fighter® Alpha
Street Fighter® EX
Capcom® Fighting Evolution
Marvel™ VS Capcom®
Capcom® VS SNK®
Tatsunoko VS. Capcom™
The book is due September 2009, and is definitely coffee table reading if you're a fan of Street Fighter, good artwork or coffee tables.
Full press release below and some art below.
UDON releases SF20: The Art of Street Fighter®
Toronto, ON – July 21, 2009 – Capcom®’s Street Fighter® franchise is the undisputed king of the fighting game genre. But besides its bone-shattering combos and explosive super moves, Street Fighter is just as well known for its unsurpassed artwork. Now UDON brings gamers the most complete collection of Street Fighter artwork ever!
SF20: The Art of Street Fighter gathers over 1,500 illustrations by Capcom’s top artists over the past 20 years. Included are character designs, concept art, rough sketches, game covers, promo artwork, crossover pieces and even some never-before seen artwork from Street Fighter’s past and present. Plus Capcom artists Akiman, Kinu Nishimura, CRMK, Edayan, Dai-Chan, Ikeno, Shinkiro and others give commentary on their favorite pieces and discuss what it’s been like to help forge the Street Fighter legacy.
The book covers every Street Fighter era, featuring artwork from:
Street Fighter®
Street Fighter® II
Street Fighter® III
Street Fighter® IV
Street Fighter® Alpha
Street Fighter® EX
Capcom® Fighting Evolution
Marvel™ VS Capcom®
Capcom® VS SNK®
Tatsunoko VS. Capcom™
And more!
SF20: The Art of Street Fighter arrives in stores September 2009. No true Street Fighter fan would dare miss out on this ultimate Street Fighter artwork archive! For the latest news on this and all of UDON’s Capcom art books, head to www.UDONentertainment.com.
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