No, you haven't been magically whisked away to 1997. The year is 2009. So fear not for lost time. What you should fear is the story for a new Spawn movie. A story that Coming Soon reports Todd McFarlane starting at this very moment.
"The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years," McFarlane said. "The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary."
The movie is said to be for more older audiences, so hopefully we get a solid R rating on this badboy. And it's the latest in a long line of reboots, but for Spawn I have high hopes.
The first Spawn film that came out over a decade ago really wasn't too bad. Sure it was mainly a capitalization on the success of Spawn at the time. And it tried to catapult comic book adaptations into a more respected film category (as in the respected category). Unfortunately, it didn't quite make it, mostly because of the technology at the time.
See, Spawn is a movie that screams CGI. McFarlane even said at the Image United panel at Comic-Con that he loves the idea of revisiting a Spawn movie with today's CGI technology. And with a much more violent and mature story the new movie can be a huge success, if for nothing else but a sort of nostalgia factor. But if you get the right director and actor, this film could be great.
McFarlane writing Spawn movie
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