Way back in April I brought you news of Rage, a property seeking to find some artists. At the time the site was relatively low-key, mainly just asking for some art and being done with it. Eric Peyron has jazzed it up a little, and the once seemingly pedestrian website is now replete with all sorts of awesomeness.
Peyron started the Rage project back in November 2008 in an attempt to find a penciller for his scripts. After reviewing countless submissions, he finally settled on Thony Sillas. The focus of Rage is on, well, Rage, a creation by the Gods to destroy demons in the Dark Times. He accomplishes his mission, but promptly gets bored and proceeds to wreak havoc everywhere around him. Eventually, his actions cause him to be chained inside a mountain as punishment.
With a script and penciller in tow, Rage should start seeing more light as an actual, full-fledged comic. Peyron mentions that the Rage project is in Phase 2 (Phase 1 was mainly creating the website and getting word out about Rage in general), and one can expect Phase 3 in the near future.
Stay tuned, and keep checking back for more information as to when the first issue is set to drop.
Rage Website
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