I've been waiting for tomorrow to come for a number of weeks now. Since tomorrow is new comic book day there is a comic coming out that will tell the end of a great story arc for the one-man army himself Wolverine. This comic I speak of is the finale to the Old Man Logan series
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant Size #1.
This last issue was delayed a bit but it only made us Old Man Logan fans even more ravenous for it when it comes out. This issue boasts a monumental confrontation between Wolverine and the Hulk Gang. So monumental that Marvel has even gone so far to call it "flesh-rending."
So far this series has been freaking awesome, as Mark Millar has really done it with the writing. Steve McNiven does the pencils with Dexter Vines inking and morry Hollowell staying within the lines and coloring. VC - Cory Petit does the lettering.
Get it tomorrow and see who is the victor in the end.
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