So you may have noticed by now but Baltimore is having their own little comic convention this weekend in downtown Baltimore. Normally not a destination I would consider high on my desire list (if you've seen
The Wire you have a good idea of what I'm talking about). That shouldn't stop you from wanting to go, or for talent from attending. Pretty big name talent.
The Guest of Honor is none other than George Perez who headlines a bunch others. Those include Brian Michael Bendis, Robert Kirkman, Frank Cho, Matt Fraction, Tim Sale, Neal Adams and Robert Liefeld just to name a few.
Publishers in attendance includes Aspen Comics, Boom! Studios, Dark Horse, DC, Image and Top Cow just to name a few. There are definitely other ones in attendance, but these are the heavy hitters that are going to get people in the door. Now that those names are out of the way, what kind of convention would it be without the exclusives?
There's Image United Preview #1 (Baltimore Comic-Con Edition), a Neal Adams Supertoons Tumbler, Paleo Pirate #1, Witchblade #131 (Baltimore Comic-Con Edition), Lady Death: Dragon Wars #1 and RAVE: Sessions 2009 Pin-Up Book. A decent amount of convention exclusive schwag if I've ever seen some.
The show is Saturday (October 10) and Sunday (October 11) at the Baltimore Convention Center. Tickets are available online and at the door if you're so inclined to attend.
Baltimore Comic Con
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