Hello there and welcome back to Tuesday and the pick of the week.
This week brings us a slew of new comics to choose from and might be a bit much. Well that's why we're here to help you sort it all out. I'm going to go with my pick which is
Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors #5.
This series has been an awesome read so far with the level of story that you can expect from having three powerhouse characters from the horror genre in it. I have to say these issues haven’t been as gory as the first meeting of these three, but the release of the Deadite army from the last issue is promises to increase the death toll dramatically.
Needless to say you need should be picking this new issue up tomorrow as you will not regret it. Plenty of action and a touch of that classic Ash humor makes it a great read. Be ready to continue the battle for the entire world’s souls against the Deadite Army, Jason and worse Freddy.
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