The case for attending Baltimore Comic Con is slowly gaining steam, with the latest reason being the debut of
Liberty Comics #2 from Image Comics.
The book benefits the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and it's chock full of awesomeness. CBLDFED (that's Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Executive Director for you non-acronym folk out there) Charles Brownstein is excited for the opportunity.
"We're very proud to partner up with the Baltimore Comic Con for LIBERTY COMICS #2's debut," Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Executive Director Charles Brownstein said. "Given the convention's ten year dedication to supporting the comic book arts its a great venue to debut a book with this roster of talent including convention attendees Jason Aaron, Mike Allred, Stuart Immonen and Brian Wood."
Liberty Comics #2 feature Jim Lee and Neil Gaiman as headliners if you will. The two of them are joined by Jimmy Palmiotti and Jim Rugg with a Painkiller Jane story, Mike Allred, Dave Johnson and Jamie Rich with a Mr. Gum story, Ray Fawkes and Cameron Stewart on The Apocalypstix, Brian Wood on Channel Zero, Ben McCool and Ben Templesmith with a Choker preview and Dave Gibbons with Martha Washington. There will also be exclusive material from Paul Pope, Kathryn and Stuart Imogen, Chynna Clugston, Paul Grist, Jason Aaron and Moritat.
There will also be other CBLDF goodies, including signed comics and graphic novels for $10 donations. Liberty Comics #2 is 48 pages and will be available for $4.99 at the CBLDF booth (#1912). It'll also be in stores October 14 if you can't make it to Baltimore.
Full press release below.
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund's star studded benefit anthology to make debut at this weekend's Baltimore Comic Con!
8 October 2009 (Berkeley, CA) - LIBERTY COMICS #2, the newest edition of Comic Book Legal Defense Fund's star studded benefit anthology, will make its exclusive debut at this year's Baltimore Comic Con! Get your copy of the comic, including the ultra-rare Jim Lee variant from the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund at booth 1912!
"We're very proud to partner up with the Baltimore Comic Con for LIBERTY COMICS #2's debut," Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Executive Director Charles Brownstein said. "Given the convention's ten year dedication to supporting the comic book arts its a great venue to debut a book with this roster of talent including convention attendees Jason Aaron, Mike Allred, Stuart Immonen and Brian Wood."
In LIBERTY COMICS #2, JIM LEE and NEIL GAIMAN lead off an all-star ensemble of industry greats including a Painkiller Jane story by JIMMY PALMIOTTI and JIM RUGG; a new Mr. Gum adventure from MIKE ALLRED, DAVE JOHNSON and JAMIE S. RICH; The Apocalypstix by RAY FAWKES and CAMERON STEWART, a return to Channel Zero by BRIAN WOOD; a preview of Choker by BEN MCCOOL and BEN TEMPLESMITH; and a special Martha Washington piece by DAVE GIBBONS, alongside exclusive material by PAUL POPE; KATHRYN & STUART IMMONEN; CHYNNA CLUGSTON; PAUL GRIST; and JASON AARON & MORITAT. LIBERTY COMICS already features two covers, one by Batman: The Long Halloween's TIM SALE and a new Kick Ass image by creator JOHN ROMITA JR.
In addition to debuting LIBERTY COMICS, the CBLDF will be offering hundreds of great premiums, including signed comics and graphic novels for donations of $10 or less. There's never been a better time to show your support for free speech than this weekend's Baltimore Comicon!
LIBERTY COMICS #2 (AUG090303), a 48-page full color comic book for $4.99, can be found this weekend at Comic Book Legal Defense Fund's booth, #1912, and will be in stores October 14th, 2009.
Image Comics is a comics and graphic novels publisher formed in 1992 by a collective of best-selling artists. Since that time, Image has gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the United States. There are currently five partners in Image Comics (Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, and Jim Valentino), and Image is currently divided into four major houses (Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline, and Image Central). Image comics and graphic novels cover nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable, offering science fiction, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor, and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. Visit www.imagecomics.com.
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