Zenescope has been hard at work on
Neverland, a brand new property that they're especially fond of and want you to enjoy. To facilitate this enjoyment, the publisher feels you should know a little about the story behind the cover. And it's certainly not what you would expect.
You can probably guess by the title, but
Neverland is about Peter Pan and Captain Hook. Zenescope is never content with leaving your childhood intact however, and this seven issue story completely flips the childhood tale on it's head. In this case, Pan has learned the secret of immortality: a steady stream of children. He's made Neverland a sinister trap that lures children in which he uses to live forever. One child has escaped, and that would be Hook (not RUF-I-OOOOOO). As the only escapee, Hook takes it upon himself to end Pan's wicked ways.
The series is written by Joe Brusha and features art by Vic Durichio (cover by David Finch).
Neverland #0 goes on sale in December.
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